
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

EAS and Source Tagging - Where next?
March 25th - 1.30pm GMT
EAS and Source Tagging - Where Next?
Mike Beach, Sainsburys...
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Inventory Accuracy

Improving Inventory Record Accuracy
March 24th - 12pm GMT
New Research Thinking on Improving Inventory Record Accuracy
Prof Aris Syntetos, Prof Yacine Rekik, Prof Christoph Glock...
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Video In Retail

The Use of Video to Reduce Out of Stocks
March 10th - 2pm GMT
Improving On-Shelf Availability and Store Compliance with Video
James Spencer, Walgreens, Damien Pichot...
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E-commerce Loss

e-commerce loss and returns group
March 9th - 12pm GMT
Imagining new ways to manage profit erosion in e-commerce
Marijn de Weerdt-Samwel, Director Reverse,
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Food Waste

Sell More, Waste Less - A Deep Dive on Bananas
February 24th - 2pm GMT
Bananas – new thinking on how to sell more and waste less.
John Hopkins, General Manager, Importations; and Julie Cournoyer...
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Self Checkout

Using Video Analytics to Manage Self-Checkout Losses
February 17th - 2.00pm
Scan Avoidance Technology to Reduce Self-Checkout Loss
Jonathan Morgan, Tesco, Chris Ochs...
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