Self-Checkout - The Autonomous Store Meeting

Date and Time:

July 13th - 3pm UK Time



13 Jul 3:00 PM


Pawel Grabowski, Head of Unmanned Solutions, Zabka Poland


Self-Checkout - The Autonomous Store Meeting

Amazon Go was the first store to offer the promise of the ultimate frictionless shopping experience, just walk out. Since their launch, traditional retailers such as Aldi, Tesco, Sainsburys, Sonae, Rewe, Albert Heijn and many others have built their autonomous stores, some using Amazon technology.

In this working group meeting, the participants will get to hear from Zabka, a convenience retailer in Poland with over 7,000 stores, and now with over 25 autonomous stores. The case will feature on their journey to date, the technology solutions, the customer reactions and of most interest for this working group, the accuracy of the system, how they manage returns and then the key "tell-tale", the shrink number from these stores.

After the presentation, the retailers will share back their own learnings with the group.

This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.