Expiry Date Visibility - Retailer Updates on use of 2d Data Bar Codes
Date and Time:
April 9th - 1pm UK Time
9 Apr 12:00 PM
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss

Improving the visibility to the expiry date for perishable products in grocery retailing can transform compliance, while improving brand equity, share, loyalty, OSA and sales.
Further, it can boost productivity and reduce food waste.
In April 2024, the food waste working group heard updates from Mercadona, Woolworths Australia, Tesco, and Norgesgruppen and their respective learnings to date on the use of 2d data bar codes / GS1 Digital Matrix to improve expiry date visibility.
In this meeting, we will hear the latest updates from the retailers and their learnings from deployment and pilots, on the many different use cases, across both the instore produced, and bought in categories, private label and branded suppliers.
This meeting is for retailers, producers and academics only
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