Being a Video Tzar!

Date and Time:

October 14th - 2pm GMT



14 Oct 12:00 PM


Traegon Hon, Director, Global Physical Security, Starbucks


Being a Video Tzar!

Learn from one video 'tzar', and how they evolved in to this position, what they saw as their mission, how they developed their internal network, the practical ways they went about moving video from being seen as just a tool for LP, to one that can be used by the whole business.

In the group discussion, other organisations also discussed how they were trying to develop a more cross-functional and business-wide strategy for the utilisation of their video systems, ensuring that it did not remain simply an LP tool.

If you missed the event simply complete the application form below to get access to a recording of the session together with a copy of the slides used by the presenter. Please note, this recording is only available for retailers, academics and consumer goods companies.