
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.

Food Waste

A recipe to reduce food waste and loss - Sonae Case Study
November 18th - 12pm - GMT
Lessons in delivering a step change in food waste prevention
Pedro Lago, Director: Sustainability, Sonae...
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Video In Retail

Imagining new ways for video to deter
November 11th - 2pm - GMT
Retailer case studies and group discussion on the latest ways retailers are using video to deter.
Professor Adrian Beck, University of Leicester...
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Video In Retail

Being a Video Tzar!
October 14th - 2pm GMT
The Importance of Developing Organisational Leadership for Video Technologies
Traegon Hon, Director, Global Physical Security...
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E-commerce Loss

E-Commerce Loss Group
October 14th - 9am GMT
Working Group Meeting
Colin Peacock, Group Strategy Coordinator, ECR Retail Loss Group...
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Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Leading Loss Prevention
October 8th - 4.30pm BST
Lessons on Leading Loss Prevention
Mark Gabriel, Head of Loss Prevention and Security, Sainsburys...
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E-commerce Loss

E-Commerce Loss Case Study
October 8th - 3.00pm BST
Lessons on Managing Losses in E-Commerce
M. Mouthaan,, J. Fonteijn...
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