
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Allocating Resources By Risk Level and Learning to Say No
Tuesday May 18th - 2pm BST
The Theory and Practice of Utlitising Risk Models to Allocate Resources and Drive Operating Choices
Paul Jaeckle, VP of Asset Protection, Meijer Stores...
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E-commerce Loss

Managing e-commerce loss - Next Case Study
May 13th - 2pm BST
e-loss prevention by Next
Nadeem Jassat, Fraud Analytics Manager, Next...
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Video In Retail

Use of Video in Distribution Centres
Wednesday May 12th 2pm BST
Use Cases for Video in DC Operations
David Oliver, Morrisons...
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Food Waste

Managing Food Waste in Online Grocery
April 21st - 2pm GMT
New Thinking on How to Manage Food Waste in online grocery
Camilla Olver,
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Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Thinking Differently About Internal Theft
Tuesday April 20th - 2pm BST
CEO Challenge Question
Professor Adrian Beck, University of Leicester...
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E-commerce Loss

e-commerce loss and returns innovation challenge
April 15th - 2pm BST
The Magnificent Eight Top Start Ups in Ecommerce loss
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss Group...
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