
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Loss Prevention Pyramid - How Robust is your LP programme?
Nov 9th - 1pm UK Time
Benchmarking your loss prevention programme with others
Professor Adrian Beck, University of Leicester...
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E-commerce Loss

Digital Loss Prevention - Gap Case Study
Nov 3rd - 1pm UK Time
Moving from Bricks & Clicks to Digital Loss Prevention
Jerry Sauer, Meghan Hoppes, Loss Prevention...
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Self Checkout

Measuring Self Checkout Loss
Oct 27th - 1pm UK Time
Developing Metrics to Measure SCO Loss
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss Group...
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RFID in Retail

ECR Working Group on Product Id
October 21st - 1pm UK time
Product Id Working Group Meeting
Professor Adrian Beck, University of Leicester...
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Video In Retail

Assessing the Role of Cloud Computing in your Businesses’ Video Techno...
Oct 13th - 1pm UK Time
Assessing the Role of Cloud Computing in your Businesses’ Video Technology Strategy
Daniel Lanecki, Global Head of Security Technology, IBM Corporate Security....
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Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Loss Prevention Training - Latest Thinking
Oct 7th - 3pm UK Time
Loss Prevention Training - Latest Thinking
Professor Adrian Beck, University of Leicester...
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