Use of Video in Distribution Centres

Date and Time:

Wednesday May 12th 2pm BST



12 May 2:00 PM


David Oliver, Morrisons


Use of Video in Distribution Centres

Traditionally, when the industry thinks about the use of video in retail, the thoughts turn to retail stores, and the many use cases that Professor Adrian Beck describes in the ECR report.

However, in this session, the group discussed the use of video in Distribution Centres, with David Oliver of Morrison's kicking off the meeting with an insight into a multi-year investment in technology to support the accuracy of the deliveries and shipments to stores, and the integrity of the stock file in their diverse Distribution Centre network. In the talk David shared their use of ANPR, Smart Track, Access control using Facial Recognition, Thruvision body scanners and IP cameras, fixed and mobile.

The group discussion centred on how what David presented was new or different to the 55 retailer participants, what ideas they might steal and the future uses of video technology in Distribution Centres. The future uses included the use of AI to validate pick accuracy, the possibility of using Drones for security patrols and the extended use of contactless access control systems using QR codes on mobile phones, biometrics and facial recognition

To apply for a copy of the session please click the apply button. If you wish to join future sessions, click here to view a preview of our next session on June 16th where the total cost of ownership of video will be the question under the spotlight and the point of discussion.

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