Online Grocery: Will increased online sales lead to higher losses?
Date and Time:
January 28th - 1pm UK
28 Jan 1:00 PM
Professor Pedro Amorim, Porto Business School

In a previous meeting where the working group looked at this question, we learnt that the greater the percentage of online grocery transactions relative to the total store sales, in some stores, over 25% of their total sales are via online orders, the lower the loss rate for the store.
However, we have since learnt that this finding may not be entirely representative. In this meeting, we will start with a presentation of a study conducted by Professor Pedro Amorim, who will share findings that suggest the opposite, put simply, more online orders equals a higher loss rate.
This will be followed by presentations by other retailers, exploring the link at a category level (perishables Vs non perishables) and by proposition, BOPIS, Delivery and Third Party Platforms such as Instacart or Deliveroo.
This meeting will be of high interest to those working for retailers leading operations improvements in ecommerce, loss prevention leaders and store operations.
This is a retailer, CPG and academic only meeting.
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