Exiting Food Surplus: Your Invitation to Launch Meeting & Interactive Benchmark Exercise

Date and Time:

November 7th - 1pm UK



7 Nov 1:00 PM


Professor Arzum Akkas


Exiting Food Surplus: Your Invitation to Launch Meeting & Interactive Benchmark Exercise

Based on retailer interviews, focus group discussions and field visits, this new research shines a light on how retailers around the world manage food surplus in retail stores from discounting to donations to repurposing.

In this meeting, expect to learn not only about current practices, and the different approaches, but also what future innovations retailers are looking to trial and implement. The study also introduces a new maturity model to help retailers assess their own strategies.

In this interactive meeting, retailers on the call are invited to participate in a live benchmarking exercise, is your business developing, established or leading across seven identified dimensions?

A full and free downloadable copy of the report will be made available to all meeting participants soon after the meeting to include the benchmarking tool and results

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