Mobile SCO - What Controls Work for Own Device Proposition?

Date and Time:

Jan 17th - 1pm UK



17 Jan 1:00 PM


Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss


Mobile SCO - What Controls Work for Own Device Proposition?

Some shoppers love the ability to use their own device to scan and then pay for their groceries, it can be a huge time saver. However, this customer friendly proposition can be hugely risky for retailers. In fact, one retailer, Wegmans, withdrew the proposition much to the annoyance of their shoppers because of loss. Other retailers have shared that when they audit the baskets of those using their own device, over 15% of those baskets contained an error., with the discrepancy representing a 6% loss.

In this meeting, retailers will share their latest thinking on the controls they have and are looking to introduce to make this proposition more profitable for their business, including controls on who can access the app, payment controls and targeted audits based on store intelligence.

This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.

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