2025 Loss Prevention Executive Leadership Programme

Date and Time:

December 2nd & 3rd.


Said Business School, University of Oxford

2 Dec 10:00 AM


Dr Paul Chapman, Senior Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford


2025 Loss Prevention Executive Leadership Programme


Overseeing effective loss prevention programmes requires a different and unique mindset and set of skills.

Loss prevention programmes require setting up for success, especially given the huge influence of the operations and culture of an organisation and the wider social environment within which loss prevention is undertaken.

The skills, knowledge and experience required for effective loss prevention can often be different in policy, operational and project delivery contexts yet loss prevention straddles all domains. As a result, loss prevention leaders must ensure a collective mindset and capability to create the conditions for loss prevention success.

Despite these wider considerations, it is loss prevention leaders who alone carry the responsibility to enable and ensure successful programmes as well as individual investments in order to achieve company objectives.

The Programme

This facilitated workshop combines the academic rigour provided by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School with a bespoke, context-specific workshop.  It offers loss prevention leaders valuable time to explore the strategic challenges they collectively face in implementing their priorities through the delivery of major initiatives and tactical change.

Acknowledging that loss prevention leaders must hold the dichotomy of responding to rapid changes of context whilst maintaining focus on successful delivery; the workshop provides an opportunity to develop and focus their impact, individually and collectively, as they steer scarce resource towards more successful outcomes.

The workshop provides a supportive, yet challenging experience. Participants will have the chance to appraise their current and future operating environment and enhance the resilience of their plans to deliver within their dynamic landscape. 

Workshop Overview

The workshop is delivered over two days and allows for time for a free evening in the iconic city of Oxford.  With rigorous academic foundations, the workshop combines skill-building sessions and workshop-style sessions that enables participants to embed the insights into their home organisation.

The workshop features a range of inputs from respected loss prevention leaders to provide peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will have:

Gained a better understanding of the tasks required to create the optimal conditions for effective loss prevention

Learnt new approaches and techniques to help be a better leader of effective teams and networks.

Formed an improved and strengthened loss prevention change strategy and delivery programme.

In addition, each delegate will have had the chance to build and strengthen their network of peers, building trust and promoting long term relationships, leading to greater collaboration and improved loss prevention outcomes.

The time commitment for invited attendees is: 30 minutes for preparatory reading; 2 full days of attendance and 30-60 minutes post-workshop for consolidating thoughts on topics explored and how the new insights and ideas from the programme has been put into practice. Upon completion of the programme each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance.


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