Trolley and Hybrid Self Checkouts - Implications for Loss Controls
Date and Time:
February 1st: 12pm UK Time
1 Feb 12:00 PM
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss

Many retailers are looking to accelerate the rate of adoption of self checkouts by offering those shopping using a trolley or a cart the opportunity to scan and pay themselves at either a new, dedicated self-checkout machine with a larger packing area or at so-called hybrid self checkout lanes, where during the busy periods, a member of staff will scan the items as per normal, but in quieter times, the self checkout machine will be "flipped" and trolley shoppers are encouraged to use this lane to scan the items themselves and then pay.
This working group meeting will hear updates from three retailers who are expanding the use of these trolley / hybrid self checkouts, and the lessons learnt to date on the changes in the levels of miss and non scans, and walkaways. In addition, the retailers will share the effectiveness of the control measures such as weight control, scan avoidance technology, spot checks, exit gates and self checkout supervisor ratio's at trolley / hybrid self checkouts. Finally, they will share the new and different controls they are considering to prevent losses through trolley / hybrid self checkout machines.
The groups will then discuss the learning points from the retailer case studies and share back their lessons learnt so far on controlling losses through trolley / hybrid self checkouts.
This working group meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.
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