Food Surplus: Innovations in Markdowns
Date and Time:
June 11th - 1pm UK / 8am ET
11 Jun 1:00 PM
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss

To markdown or not to markdown? On the day [of expiry date] or some days before? Merchandised in the aisle OR a dedicated markdown location? Labels and / or ESL's? To use dynamic pricing or a simpler fixed discount table? Etc.
These are some of the questions retailers constantly ask as they seek to find the right markdown [or not] strategy to manage surplus food, considering the impact on sales, profitability, productivity, abuse, fraud and compliance.
In our annual meeting, we will explore and hear from retailers the latest ways they are thinking about and executing the discounts on items close to their expiry date.
Expect to hear about the latest changes to the algorithms being deployed by retailers, to optimise margins, productivity, donations, across different categories, store formats and locations. We will also hear how ESL's can help support discounts, the role that apps, such as Flashfood, are helping to promote the sale of discounted products. Finally, with the momentum building on 2d / QR codes, we will hear from retailers and how they are leveraging 2d / QR codes to support their markdown programme.
This meeting is for retailers, producers and academics only.
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