Self Checkout - New Insights on Delivering Effective Training

Date and Time:

April 9th - 1pm UK



9 Apr 1:00 PM


Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss


Self Checkout  - New Insights on Delivering Effective Training

Managing Self-Checkouts is one of the toughest jobs in the store. Our research with 6,000 SCO hosts (click here) confirmed the importance of training and the benefits that it can deliver.

However, in-person training is high cost, hard to prove that it "works" and delivers a positive return on investment, and then because of high staff turnover, there is a view that over time, many in the store will not have received training so you have to start all over again.

In this meeting, we will hear updates from retailers on how they're grappling with these dilemmas, and using new technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), to deliver high impact training that can be scaled, sustained and measurable.

This meeting is for retailers, brand owners and academics only.

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