Scan & Go - Improving Accuracy, Reducing Friction - Retailer Updates

Date and Time:

October 17th - 3pm UK



17 Oct 3:00 PM


Ondřej Gadatch, Checkout Self-Services Product Manager


Scan & Go - Improving Accuracy, Reducing Friction - Retailer Updates

The working group has learnt from previous sessions, that when retailers check the full basket of goods scanned, as opposed to just a partial audit, there is a huge difference in the failure rates, with 40% plus of all full audits failing, Vs only 3 % of audits failing when using the partial method (click here) with the losses incurred the equivalent of a 5% loss rate. However, audits, especially full audits, are unpopular with the shopper, require additional labour hours in the store and a convenient space where they can be conducted.

This session will start with a presentation from Metro and lessons learnt on a technology they have launched to protect from losses from their Scan & Go proposition that uses weight and AI, to pass / fail every Scan & Go shop. The group will then discuss the learnings and share their own updates.

This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.

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