Goods Lost in Transit - Collaborating with 3PL's

Date and Time:

June 15th - 1pm UK



15 Jun 1:00 PM


Nadeem Jassat, Online Loss Prevention, Next PLC


Goods Lost in Transit - Collaborating with 3PL's

When goods are lost, either on their way to the customer, or on their way back to the retailer as a return, shoppers get angry and frustrated. The customer service team are minded to, and are keen to quickly resolve disputes, leaving it to the digital loss prevention team to track the problem, investigate the suspicious incidents, and recommend to their business, the best measures and technologies that can help prevent and reduce the goods lost in transit problem.

One of the key priorities will be to work together with third party providers, especially on returns, where the losses on goods sent back via a 3PL, can be 6X greater than losses on goods returned to physical stores. In this session, we will hear from one retailer, and how improved collaboration with their 3PL provider has helped resolve and reduce goods lost in transit claims. The group will then share their learnings and discuss the case study example.

This meeting is for retailers, brand owners and academics only

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