Body Worn Cameras in Retailing: A Review of Use and Impact
Date and Time:
July 10th - 3pm UK, 4pm CET, 10am Eastern
10 Jul 3:00 PM
Professor Adrian Beck

In countries around the world, retailers are reporting increasing concerns about the levels of violence and verbal abuse targeted at their staff, often connected with elevated levels of shop theft.
In an effort to address this problem some are investing in Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) to try and deter would-be offenders, de-escalate threatening and intimidating events, offer reassurance to those wearing them, and act to collect first-hand video and audio evidence that can be used to prosecute perpetrators.
This new study provides a detailed review of how a technology, typically associated with law enforcement, is being used by retailers and what impact, if any it is having. It is based upon in-depth interviews with representatives from 16 large retail organisations operating in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the USA.
The report provides new and detailed insights on why some retailers are investing in BWCs for their staff, how they are being deployed and under what circumstances, and a measure of their potential contribution in making stores safer and less crime prone for both staff and customers.
After the presentation of the report, the retailer group will discuss the findings and share back their own learnings.
This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.
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