Cash Loss - The Case for Change
Date and Time:
Oct 22nd - 1pm UK
22 Oct 1:00 PM
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss

While more and more retail transactions are moving towards a card / digital payment, there are still requirements for and demand from customers to pay by cash, and where there is cash, there is loss!
In this meeting, we will look to explore:
- Current trends in the levels of customer demand to use cash for store transactions, especially the use of cash at assisted Vs self checkouts.
- The different ways retailers are going about measuring cash loss, and the latency, frequency and granularity of the cash loss data, and how it gets reported across the business.
- The current scale and nature of cash losses, and trends Vs previous years and next years outlook.
- A comparison of the losses and costs of cash transactions relative to card transactions
- The current approaches being taken by retailers to prevent and reduce cash losses, including the role of data analytics.
- The role that new processes and technologies are / can play in reducing cash loss.
- The contribution of culture in improving cash operations.
This meeting will start with presentations from retailer loss prevention leaders and will be followed by reactions and comments from the other retailers to the presentation, what was new, different, etc and then their own updates.
This meeting is for retailers, brand owners and academics only.
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