Building the Digital LP team - Pets At Home Case Study

Date and Time:

October 3rd - 3pm UK



3 Oct 3:00 PM


Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss


Building the Digital LP team - Pets At Home Case Study

As the ecommerce loss and risk landscape evolves, retailers need to constantly have an eye on where the risk is headed, and the capabilities and technology they need to help their business grow the top and bottom line.

At ECR Retail Loss, we have been learning together via real world retailer cases, and this meeting is a continuation of that approach, with Kay from Pets At Home sharing the digital loss prevention capability she and her team have built to date, the KPI's they are held accountable for, and their future thinking on the scope, the strategies and the technologies and people required to deliver the future programme.

The working group will then discuss the presentation, what was new? what was different? what could they steal? what could they give back? And conclude with the key learning points. This meeting is for retailers, brand owners and academics only.

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