Best Buy Canada - Retail Profit Protection Case Study
Date and Time:
February 17th - 1pm UK Time
17 Feb 1:00 PM
Dave Cheema, Snr Manager, Profit Protection & eCommerce Fraud Operations, Best Buy Canada & David Yau Manager, eCommerce Fraud Operations, Best Buy Canada

There are few better examples of retailer reinventions than Best Buy, who staring at the threat of online retailing, and the fear that their stores would simply become "show rooms" for others e-commerce sales, they reinvented their business, and won back the shopper. Much of this has already been documented in the media and academic journals, and in the book "the heart of business" written by their ex CEO, Hubert Joly.
In this session, we will learn more about the critical role that the Profit Protection team has and continues to play in delivering this success, and the strategies they have adopted to support the natural evolution of the business, especially e-commerce fraud and the losses associated with their ecommerce business.
Following their presentation, participants in the working group will discuss the learning points, and share back their own learnings on tacking e-commerce losses and fraud.
This meeting is for retailers and CPG's only, and one of a series of meetings of the e-commerce loss group. There is no cost to participate and the meetings are 90 minutes, using the TEAMS platform.
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