
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.

Video In Retail

Integrating Video and Alarms
September 16th - 1pm UK Time
Integrating Alarms and Video - What's not to like?
Ryan Themm, Meijer Stores...
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Food Waste

Smart Fridges - Less Food Waste
Sept 15th - 1pm UK Time
Smart Fridges - Less Food Waste
Coop UK...
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Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Exception Based Reporting - Where Next?
September 14th - 3pm UK Time
EBR - Today and Tomorrow
John Low, Frasers Group, Terry Stanley...
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E-commerce Loss

Returns - What happens next matters!
September 14th - 1pm UK Time
Returns - What happens next matters
Necati Ertekin, Asst Professor, University of Minnesota...
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Self Checkout

Self Checkout - Product Look Up Menu - Challenges and Opportunities
July 28th - 1pm BST
The Product Look Up Menu Challenge
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss Group...
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Food Waste

ECR Retail Loss [Virtual] First Dates - Part 2!
July 21st - 1pm BST
Food Waste Action Plans
Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss Group...
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