
Banana's: The Case for Selling Bananas by Item Vs Weight

Selling and buying products by weight adds friction to the shopper journey, slows down the online order picker, requires retailers to invest in weigh scales in the aisle and checkout, while introducing the risk of errors and abuse.

The case study retailer in this meeting carried 200 items in a typical store that are sold loose / require weighing and pricing per weight. Selling products "loose" and by weight, introduces a greater level of risk to loss, damage and waste Vs products sold in pre-packed quantities or standard weights with set retail prices.

What we learnt in this meeting is that bananas used to represent 60% of the losses of loose products for the case study retailer and that they were able to improve losses by 30 basis points when they moved to selling bananas per item at a standard price (18 cents)

The full recording is available to retailers, if you would like to see it, please send email to colin@ecrloss.com but in the meantime, please see below a short video recap of the meeting with Richard Thalemann, Food Waste Advisor to ECR Retail Loss.

Jul 26, 2024

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