
Call for Judges: 2024 ECR Retail Risk, Security and Innovation Challenge

March 2024. We are excited to announce the launch of our 2024 Retail Risk, Safety & Security Innovation Challenge and need the help of retail security and risk experts to act as "shark tank / dragons dens" judges.

This will involve helping us short-list a longlist of innovations and then joining us at our “shark tank” like online innovation showcase finale on October 23rd, where ten of the very hottest innovations will “pitch” their ideas. AT this meeting, the judges will be expected to ask and then rate each of the ten to reveal the most promising innovations.

Being a judge gives you exclusive visibility to a longlist of 100+ innovations, that in theory are all with new ideas / ways of helping you deliver your work plan / business objectives. Getting hold of such a list would normally cost a business thousands but as a judge it will be zero cost.

Further, what we have learnt from previous challenges, is that the judges gain immense value from the list, stimulating new ideas, and they all tell us that even though it can be a lot to get through, they thoroughly enjoy the rating process, especially if it’s a team effort with colleagues. And yes, we cannot promise judges that all the ideas on the list will be relevant, new, or different but typically find that there will a good few that will inspire and make you go "Wow!"

If you would like to be a judge, the next step would be a short interview to understand from you what’s missing and where your unmet needs might be. This meeting will be require just 30 minutes of your time. If you can commit to this short interview and be one of our judges, please email, colin@ecrloss.com

Retail Risk, Security and Safety Innovation Challenge - October 23rd 2024.

Please join us for for our online innovation showcase finale.


Mar 16, 2024

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