
Nine Ways To Improve Bottom Line E-Commerce Profits

We are super happy to share the pitches and retailer Q&A's from nine of the top 30 hottest innovations, as rated by the retailer judging panel. We present them In alphabetical order. We highly encourage you to view each one.

DataDome. Their bot and online fraud protection detects and mitigates attacks with unparalleled accuracy and zero compromise.

Contact name: Guillaume Fournier-Morel. Email: guillaume.fournier-morel@datadome.co

EasyClaim: They aim to simplify the process for claiming refunds for lost & stolen parcels, partial losses and parcel damages

Contact: Daniel Wurzel.. EMail: daniel.wurzel@easyclaim.io

Forter: They are the Trust Platform for digital commerce. Their deep understanding of identity and use of automation helps businesses prevent fraud, maximise revenue and deliver superior experiences for their consumers.

Contact: Stephen Smith. Email: Stephen.Smith@forter.com

Nethone: They offer a risk detection product designed to protect the entire user journey, from onboarding to post-payment, at the same time helping merchants to holistically understand their end-users (good and bad)

Contact: Raza Shah. Email: raza.shah@nethone.com

PixoAnalytics: They make it possible to identify any item such as letters, parcels, medications, fabrics, plastics etc. at any point in time in any location with its unique surface structure recognition algorithm supported through computer vision & artificial intelligence.

Contact: Nader Ashraf. Email: nader@pixoanalytics.com

Saara. They are an AI based e-commerce solutions provider that helps business reduce returns and improve bottom line.

Contact: Punith Subramani. Email: punith.s@saara.io

Signifyd. They provide an end-to-end Commerce Protection Platform that leverages its Commerce Network to maximise conversion, automate customer experience and eliminate fraud and consumer abuse risk for retailers

Contact: Ti Osnat. Email. ti.osnat@signifyd.com

SpyCloud: They assert that you need to act on what criminals know about your business and your customers. Only they deliver these actionable insights powered by Cybercrime Analytics (C2A)

Contact: Neill Cooper. Email: neill.cooper@spycloud.com

Williot: They combine cloud services and IoT Pixels, computing elements that can power themselves by harvesting radio frequency energy.

Contact: Steve Statler. EMail: steve.statler@wiliot.com

To see the "show" in one take, see below.

Oct 26, 2023

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