
OSA Innovation Challenge 2024:

ECR is on the search for new innovative ways and technologies that can help retailers and CPG's improve OSA.

The search starts with a clear set of problem statements.


These problem statements emerged from interviews and discussions with the OSA working group members, made up of the OSA experts from the retailers and CPG's represented in the group and the academics who support the group, who have have in depth knowledge of the OSA problem, including Professor Daniel Corsten and Thomas Gruen.

Broken down into four areas, upstream design, supply chain, back room and shop floor, there are in total twenty two problem statements, where new innovation, technologies and approaches would be welcomed.

By mid-December, the retailer and CPG judges will have received a curated long list of innovations that meet the briefs. By early February, the Top 30 OSA innovations, as rated by the judges will be published. On May 22nd, the top ten will pitch at the online showcase finale.

If you would like to help with the short-listing process, please email colin@ecrloss.com

Join us for OSA Innovation Showcase Finale - May 22nd 2024

Join us to hear ten of the Top 30 OSA innovations deliver a five minute pitch and answer question from the retailer and CPG judges.


Nov 28, 2023

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