
Imagining the Future Shape of Loss Prevention - October 12th & 13th - Lisbon


In the two and a half years since the last in-person ECR Retail Loss working group meeting. the retail context has undergone significant change, as have the roles of those responsible for leading the loss prevention function. This meeting will focus on developing a broader understanding how the work of the loss prevention team has changed to respond to the challenges and new risks their business face into now, and in the future.

Who Should Attend?

The invitation to attend is open to any retailer or CPG and will be especially interesting for any of those companies who have been regularly participating in the ECR retail virtual working group meetings. In addition, academics with an interest in retail loss, inventory record accuracy and retail crime are also invited to join the meeting.

Workshop Agenda

Day 1 - Wednesday October 12th, 2022

From 11am: Arrivals & Coffee

12.00: Introductions, Expectations & Working Lunch

13.00: Reviewing Loss Prevention in Practice: Site Visits

Participants will be divided into small groups of 3-4, with groups visiting an online grocery fulfilment centre, a "just walk out" store and the self-checkout locations in multiple stores.

16.30: Visit Debriefs. Through a facilitated discussion, groups will share their insights and learnings from the visits.

17.30: Innovation Challenge – Speed Dating Session – participants to meet back at the hotel, where ten of the hottest innovators in frictionless retail will pitch their innovations in short, five-minute pitches, to small groups of 3-4 participants

18.30: Network Drinks & Dinner

Day 2 - Thursday October 13th, 2022

08.30: Coffee & Day 1 Recap

09.00: Retailer Blind Dates over Coffee

Each retailer participant will be given three ‘dates’ with peers from other retailers to enable them to share their top three loss prevention work plan priorities.

10.00: Getting to Grips with e-Commerce Losses - Participants will be organised in small groups to swap notes on how their individual businesses are scoping and measuring the problem of e-commerce losses, the metrics and strategies they have adopted, and how they have built capabilities, tools and techniques to manage these new risks.  Groups will then feedback their key learnings back to main group.

11.15: Loss Prevention Technology - Participants will again be organised into small groups and reflect on loss prevention technologies, and the role that the current technologies will play going forward, and then talk to where they imagine future investments will be made in emerging technologies. Each group will feedback to the main group, what they have concluded are the three most promising new technologies.

12.15: Engaging others in Loss Prevention - For many retailers, hiring store team leaders and store associates has become more challenging, yet they remain key to the delivery of retail loss targets. This table top discussion will explore the different ways the loss prevention leadership have changed their approaches to loss prevention training, coaching and increasing motivation to keep losses down.

13.00-14.00 - Network Lunch & Departures

14.00 - Close

Benefits of Participation

This two-day meeting will provide participants with the opportunity to take full advantage of a peer-to-peer learning experience, to gain new insights, new benchmark data and new thinking on the future of the loss prevention capability. There is no cost to attend other than participants’ own travel and accommodation costs.

Next Steps

If your business is interested in sending participants, please send confirmation to colin@ecrloss.com


May 28, 2022

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