Adrian Beck, Emeritus Professor, Department of Criminology, University of Leicester
I have been an academic advisor to the ECR Retail Loss Group for over 20 years, delivering a number of research projects on its behalf, ranging from understanding the drivers of staff dishonesty to measuring the losses associated with self-scan checkouts. In recent years my work has focussed upon developing an overarching understanding of the way in retail organisations experience all forms of loss, synthesised into the Total Retail Loss concept, which was originally published in 2016, with a revised report made available in 2018. In addition, I have an ongoing interest in the way in which retailers apply various technologies, especially RFID and other tagging systems and most recently various types of video technologies.
The ECR Retail Loss Group is unique in the way in which it provides a progressive and evidence-based environment for retailers and manufacturers to come together to develop their understanding and approach to managing the issue of retail loss. It is has proven itself to be a global leader in facilitating the production and dissemination of new research on a wide range of loss topics, often well beyond the traditional frameworks that have typically dominated thinking in this area. As a researcher, it has enabled me to gain unique insights from its members, many of whom frequently agree to share their data and experiences. I very much look forward to continuing to support the work of this Group in the future.

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