Product Protection Innovation - Retailer Updates

Date and Time:

Sept 24th - 1m UK



24 Sep 1:00 PM


Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss


Product Protection Innovation - Retailer Updates

How do you make it easy as possible for the 99.9% of customers who want to buy and pay for the items, while making it harder for those that have no intention to pay? This is the dilemma stores and loss prevention wrestle with daily.

In this annual review, we will hear about the innovations the retailers in the working group including Tesco, Asda, Carrefour, Musgrave, Walmart, Target, CVS, Woolworths, Kroger, etc, have been working on for the last 12 months, including smart cabinets and shelves, anti-theft fixtures, new forms of security tags, video analytics and more.

Expect to hear new ideas from your retailer peers and to share back your own learnings.

This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.